

In case you haven’t figured it out by now, my favorite thing of all things is serendipity.  I look for it, celebrate it, make decisions by it, worship at the altar of it (ok that’s maybe a little extreme).


wpid-20140826_163323.jpgYesterday I sent it off my submission for the first writing contest I’ve ever participated in.  It was a great exercise and I worked for hours on it over the weekend.  I’m headed back to Edmonds, WA in October for the same writing conference I went to last year and decided this time to enter the contest.  Late last week I got an email and realized the deadline for submission was this Friday!  Eegads.  They also gave the theme which I’d somehow missed so luckily I had a good story that fit perfectly.  The theme is “Catch.”  I reworked a story I shared on the blog about a Priest, a lesbian, a fish and Mississippi.

It was fun whether I win or not and I intend to play around some more with this contest stuff. Why not?  It’s a good way to practice, sharpen skills, learn to edit and in this case realize I’ve been totally sucking at punctuation in some ways…at least consistently!   Here’s to punctuation!!!! !!! !! !!!!!

Imagine my surprise tonite when I got home and decided to channel surf and landed on this documentary on Showtime:

L Word Mississippi:  Hate the Sin

Yep, it’s all about lesbians in Mississippi.  How random, right?  I tried waking her up and dragging her out of bed phoning Max to tell her to quick turn on her TV but she must be asleep already.


Maybe this is a sign…maybe I’m in the zeitgeist…maybe I’m just looking for validation.  😉

The other thing on my mind that I’m obsessing about is…drumroll…getting a dog.  I can’t stop thinking about it!  It started dragging me like a magnet while I was in Sedona this weekend and has just been escalating.  I spent much of my evening yesterday searching on dogs and so far I’ve fallen completely in love with cockapoos.  I think this is my dog…well I know it is.  Here is an assortment of photos that make my heart hurt they are so cute.  Today I’ve been obsessing about names.

cockapoo_deacon cockapoocream wpid-757878270.jpg

I’m being smart about it though and have decided to wait until the new year, review my last year and see how this new lifestyle will fit and take a good several months to be steadily at home (or Sedona) to train a little puppy.  I haven’t had a dog since I was a child but it’s pulling on me so hard knocking at the inside of my heart that I feel like I hardly have a choice.  I’ll keep ya updated.

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Look, I even have the cockapoo owner haircut! (more or less)

This morning I started looking at my treasure map to see if there was a sign on there and lo and behold, right in the center is an artic fox.  That’s pretty close to a dog if ya ask me.  And I made it the centerpiece of my whole map!  Hmmmm…


The weight lifting lady is the other large image and I’m lifting hard now at least 3 times a week.  My goal setting seems to have wiggled it’s way in to my subconscious and is having it’s way with me.

As I’m watching this hard to watch film in the background, I see a lesbian in a fishing boat.  I hope the judges for the contest are watching too.  😉

2 thoughts on “signs

  1. Cyndi Platfoot

    Please please please get a rescue dog. You can find the breed you want without paying hundreds of dollars. I have two and they are great dogs! My suggestion as someone who lives alone is get a dog you can pick up easily it will make your life easier. Good luck!

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