

In case anyone missed it the first time, I’m now blogging at least once a day while I’m up in WA again on a month Sabbatical writing.

I wrote today about my testimony in the first trial. Feel free to join me over there if you’d like to follow along.

My Testimony.



back to the book



Hi All,

I’m back in Edmonds WA again for a month with the intention to finish my book. I’m documenting this process along the way over at my other blog if you’d like to follow along.

I’m also reading Juan Martinez’ book about convicting Jodi Arias and making some observations about that too. Would love it if you’d share yours as well.

I’ll be pretty absent from this blog but very active on the other one for the next 4 weeks so feel free to join me there!

Today’s entry here.





Sending love to you all out there from the magnificent Northwest. We drove across Arizona, Utah, Idaho and now Oregon in the last two days.
Today, headed for a Portlandia style Valentine’s Day! I hope you are all grabbin the love where you find it too. xxoo