


my beautiful sister, Cindy

I received word from one of my Victim Advocates yesterday that a parole hearing is to be held next Tuesday for Rudi Apelt. Rudi is the brother of the man Cindy married who assisted him with her murder for life insurance. He is actually the person who wielded the knife in the desert on the night of December 23, 1988, stabbing her multiple times and slashing her throat. This was proven in court by his own expert Vincent DiMaio. You can read about that Perry Mason moment here.

Rudi was sentenced to death in 1990 for the first-degree murder, then a life WITH parole sentence for the conspiracy. Nineteen years later, his death sentence was commuted because one Judge , Silvia Arellano, decided to release him from Death Row under a mental retardation claim. Once the Federal Supreme Court ruled that we can’t execute the mentally retarded (a ruling I agree with), suddenly both of these scheming conmen became “mentally retarded” overnight according to their attorneys, and those championing against the death penalty, one murderer at a time.

Rudi’s sentence was commuted to life WITH parole which, thankfully, Arellano decided to run consecutively to the conspiracy Life WITH parole sentence vs the concurrent option they argued for.  Arellano, the biased Judge, had also ruled that nothing, not one thing, in their lives after the age of 18 could be considered in her decision–read: THE CRIMES FOR WHICH THEY WERE CONVICTED COULD NOT BE CONSIDERED IN THE DECISION FOR SENTENCE FOR THE CRIMES THEY COMMITTED.  It was a terrifying time as this monster could have gone from Death Row to up for parole in five short years after that commutation.

Yes, it seems like a moot point or a formality that he should be given these yearly parole hearings for the first sentence he is serving, as he’s eight years into the second 25 to Life sentence. He could be granted parole on the first one and still turn right around to his cell to continue the second one. BUT, I’ve become a bit educated on how prisoners become victims over the years, and how attorneys make big bucks championing murderers and I don’t trust any of it. So, yes, I wrote a letter to the parole board and I guess I will each year, to make sure no one ever considers releasing him from prison or giving him any leniency.

I suspect he will continue, along with his disgusting champions, to try and play the “mentally retarded” card and since I’ve been informed it’s a fairly new parole board who may not know the case, I decided to do a bit of educating on exactly who Rudi Apelt is.

Here is a copy of my letter that my advocate will be reading into the record next Tuesday.  I won’t be in AZ at that time and frankly, I never want to be in the same room with either of those sociopaths ever again so her reading my words to their faces is just fine with me.

the face of a monster

Here it is (apologies for it being dense to read–Wordpress is not letting me put paragraphs on this when I edited it):







21 thoughts on “Parole

    • johnthepoet

      WOW. JUST WATCHED TRUE CONVICTION, SEASON 1 EPISODE 6 ON Discovery+. HOLY CRAP. I AM SHOCKED That these two have yet to be executed to make an example out of them. Also, the one that is actually mentally retarded is clearly the judge that thinks they are mentally retarded. Sorry that this all happened and I hope you take solace in knowing they are unable to do this to anyone else.

  1. Our Dear Kathy,

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this every year.
    For some reason that slipped by me these past years. I so hope the parole board realize that you carry a life sentence that will get NO release until you meet Cindy in Heaven some day. Your entire family (including all of us who know and love you through your writing), care deeply. I know you will share with us when his parole is denied.

    God Bless You & Sweet Hubby & Precious Daughter ♥ ♥ ♥
    Hugs from Paula

  2. Your letter was very difficult to read because it is hard to imagine someone going through such suffering. I am very sorry. I pray the parole board listens to every word you have said. God bless.

  3. I hate that you have to constantly keep going over this, time after time. This is written so perfectly and surely will have a big impact on the deciding judge here. I just wish this could be the end of these court scenes for you. much love, my dear. My heart and prayers go out to you.

  4. Kiminnm

    Very well written!
    So sorry you have to continue to deal with this every year nut thank you for doing so!! This animal should never see the light of day!!

  5. Dawn

    Thinking of you and your family as this hearing is coming up tomorrow. It’s so awful that you have to go through this because of that terrible judge!

    Please keep us updated when you can about his status. Sending love, light and prayers your way!

  6. I knew your words would be powerful. Dear lady, you never cease to hit home runs. This was so hard to read, and feel the pain and anguish coming through your words. But you did it once again, and will as many times as is necessary to keep this monster behind those bars. May Cindy be smiling down at you with thanks and love. ❤

  7. Megan

    Hi, Cindy. Every now and then when I get your emails and then read the latest on this life’s journey of yours, I am so saddened that the murder of your sister is something that will never, ever go away for you. I hope Rudi rots to a ripe old age in prison, where he can think every day and night about why he is there, why he has no freedom, why he has no money, no car, no home, no one who loves him. I’m just so very sorry that you and your family still must go through this. It’s almost as if it is happening again and again and again, a nightmare from which you can never escape. That right there is reason enough for him and all murderers to stay locked up till they rot.

    I wish for you more love and peace and joy for every day for the rest of your life, that somehow all the extra love and joy and peace can fill in the giant emptiness of your dear sister’s missing life.

    Your writing on this subject is so overwhelmingly sad, and yet I know it must not even touch the depth of the sadness that you’ve endured every day since Cindy’s tragic death. Keep writing, girl. She’s proud of you, I just know it.

    • Right now, his latest appeal was denied, so he’s on a track now toward execution. I’m ok with him still being on death row for however long that is, and Rudi being where he is. I’ve made peace with it all, as long as they both remain incarcerated. Ironically, in the “win” of the mental retardation argument for Rudi, he was moved to another prison altogether. So the evil brothers will never have the contact they did, through prison vents, for 18 years. That was an unintended bit of poetic justice. Oh and once the celebrity status of Rudi’s death row status was removed, no one even showed up for his last parole hearing, just like I predicted. He is now on “lock him up and throw away the key” status, which is fine with me.

  8. Lena P

    This true NIGHTMARE-story was on the TV tonigt in Sweden. I am stonishd over this cruel case.
    I love my own sister so deeply and felt enormously sorry about what happend to you and your beatiful and chaming sister.
    What a wonderful photo of the two of you, one as baby and the other one standning nearby. So humble, so full of love, so full of trust. So beatiful. My eyes burst into tears when I see you two sisters together.
    Love and best regards
    Lena P. from Sweden / Stockholm

  9. Linda Evans

    Dear Kathy.
    I am so very sorry that you lost your beloved sister. Her spirit is with you in everything you do and she is smiling.
    I just watched her story on Investigation Discovery.
    If you see a red bird it will be Cindy paying you a visit. I have a red bird who comes to my backyard often and I believe it is the spirt of my mom who died when I was 12.
    Let me first say your letter was factual, on point and VERY well written. I hope this animal was denied parole and is denied parole the remainder of his despicable pathetic life.
    Never give up even if it takes you going to every single parole hearing and staring him down to keep him locked up then do it for Cindy. If he ever gets out he will flee to Germany and continue conning and killing other innocent lives. This disgusting excuse for a human being does not deserve anything better than death.
    Mentally retarded? Give a break! I used to work as a legal assistant for a criminal defense attorney and trust me many of them lie lie lie and will do anything to win freedom for the animals they represent.
    Keep up your hard work, Kathy. I am so proud of you! God Bless You. – – Linda, N. Carolina

  10. Linda Evans

    Dear Kathy.
    I am so very sorry that you lost your beloved sister. Her spirit is with you in everything you do and she is smiling.
    I just watched her story on Investigation Discovery.
    If you see a red bird it will be Cindy paying you a visit. I have a red bird who comes to my backyard often and I believe it is the spirt of my mom who died when I was 12.
    Let me first say your letter was factual, on point and VERY well written. I hope this animal was denied parole and is denied parole the remainder of his despicable pathetic life.
    Never give up Kathy even if it takes you going to every single parole hearing and staring him down to keep him locked up. You will be doing it for Cindy.
    If he ever gets out he will flee to Germany and continue conning and killing other innocent lives. This disgusting excuse for a human being does not deserve anything better than death.
    Mentally retarded? Give a break! I used to work as a legal assistant for a criminal defense attorney and trust me many of them lie lie lie and will do anything to win freedom for the animals they represent.
    Keep up your hard work, Kathy. I am so proud of you! God Bless You. – – Linda, N. Carolina

  11. M

    Your father came up in my conversation with John yesterday. Of course that led to you wondering about how you and John are. I hope you are well. We still think of this time with such great sadness.
    Our very best to your family.
    M. Domagala

  12. Victoria

    Thank you for keeping other people safe and being so strong to stand for what is right in a time when justice is hidden by lies and revolving paperwork. You have no idea the lives you have saved by keeping those two locked up. God bless you in Jesus name.

  13. A very powerful letter. I hope the parol board takes heed of it. As for the two animals convicted of this horrible crime. I hope they both die in prison. Preferably by someone’s hand. Or live out they’re sentence till the end of both they’re life’s. May your god be with you. Gordon from Scotland. ☹️😕🤗🤗

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